1. Clear Call to action (CTA). Before you even start your SMS marketing campaign, you need to know what your goals and objectives are. Make sure your objectives are very clear to your audience and try and integrate them seamlessly into your SMS campaign. Do not ever think that an SMS campaign is different from your other campaigns. Once you have your goals straight and you know what you want to achieve, you should decide on a very powerful and concise call to action. If your customers do not know what the SMS is all about, the chances of your campaign failing are very high. Always make sure that your CTA is straightforward.

2. Incentives. Once you have successfully sent your campaign SMSs to your audience, you should not take for granted the little time it takes to read and understand the message. You should always energize and entice your customers with something little in return. This will ensure that they are opt-in. You can offer them a discount, special offer, or exclusive privileges. This is one way of ensuring that you have a successful campaign. Personalizing your messages will also create a unique bond with your audience and they will always reply to your SMSs.

3. Compliance. Your customers should always be able to opt into your offers by texting the keyword the minute they receive and read your message. Having a shortcode that customers can easily reply to mean that your offer or campaign is genuine, and they will not feel spammed. All SMS campaigns need to adhere to all mobile communication legislations. This includes adding terms and conditions to your messages and giving an opt-out option to customers. You should also disclose if there will be any charges incurred.

4. Measure and Integrate. If you are running an SMS campaign, you should ensure that you fully integrate with the marketing and media adverts such as social media, TV, print, and radio. Make sure that your call to action is well thought to ensure an effective campaign. Always ensure that you measure the success of your campaign by monitoring your customers' subscriber growth and monitor their engagement. You should always adjust your campaign strategy to suit your customer’s needs. If you personalize and time your SMS messages, your success rate will be high, and you will get a lot of leads.

5. Immediate and Consistent. For your SMS campaign to be successful, you need to send it during a specific time and in a certain order. Because the SMS will be delivered and read by your audience almost immediately, you need to take advantage of that exact opportunity to leverage your campaign. Make sure you provide special offers that are time-sensitive and if you are having an event, make sure you hold it soon. Once your customers are opt-in, you should never spam them. Make sure you are consistent. Most campaigns that are successful always connect with consumers on a weekly basis.